Loyalty to the body

Let’s talk about how much women endure in the bedroom. I know this can be a hard one for men* to hear. But every time I hear it from a woman, my heart breaks a little.

…How when intimacy doesn’t feel good, she leaps to believing something is wrong with her.
…How little credence she gives to the signals of her body.
…How much she pretends to enjoy in order to avoid a confronting conversation.

I’ve known it myself. This deep distrust of my body and her desires. The resulting silencing of my voice. For so long being loyal to non-disruption, not wanting to “ruin a moment” that wasn’t even that great for me. How lonely that silence was. How lonely so many women are in six.

Thank god someone taught me that this body is a genius. That she knows exactly what she needs. And that, when we’re willing to attend to her, she will take us to places we didn’t know possible. Now my practice is loyalty to the body.

…Listening to her.
…Speaking for her.
…Adjusting what she doesn’t like.
…Asking for what she does.
…Trusting that she knows her way to the deepest mysteries.
…Being a willing follow.

What are you loyal to in the bedroom?


safely uncomfortable


Strip down to feel more