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fresh perspective: A DAY OF SPIRITUAL InquirY (LA)

What might we discover about ourselves if we learn to ask the right questions? And how deep might the learning go if we could move beyond the familiar answers?

On Saturday, June 25th, join me and the InsightLA sangha for a day of spiritual inquiry. Learn to use the power of reflective questions to move beyond habitual patterns of thought and access fresh perspective, insight & understanding.

We will spend the day moving between silent meditation practice, embodied partnered and group inquiry, and warm-hearted connection in community. Let go of the familiar stories and discover new possibilities within life’s quandaries.

Everyone is welcome to join for the day, including beginners. Mindfulness, meditation and inquiry practices are suitable for all levels.

Class Fee: $85/person

Location: InnerWay LA, Culver City, 90045

Register Here:

June 17

Sangha Live: The Interdependent Experience - Practicing in Connection (ONLINE)

July 15

Nourish: daylong RETREAT for WOMEN (L.A.)